24 Hour Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Hotline : 806-669-1788 | 1-800-658-2796
“Tralee helped me figure out how to start over. Often I had been confronted by people who felt I should have left sooner, because I stayed so long, it was my fault.
Tralee offered support, not condemnation. To actually speak to someone who understood and didn’t judge me was so comforting.
Tralee also helped by working with the law enforcement and the judicial system. They helped me with utilities to keep me afloat until I could get my bearings.
Most important, they offered a support group for victims and their children.
I am living, breathing proof that domestic violence need not ruin your life. Thanks, Tralee.”
This Tralee Crisis Center client went on to earn a degree in nursing and start a new life for herself and her children.
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