24 Hour Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Hotline : 806-669-1788 | 1-800-658-2796

About Tralee Crisis Center

In the early 1980s, a Pampa social worker’s heart sank as he watched a badly beaten woman he had just counseled leave the hospital emergency room with the man who had caused her injuries. She left with her attacker, her husband, because she had nowhere else to go. That night, Travis Plumlee vowed he would do something about this deplorable situation. With the help of a local civic organization, Altrusa International of Pampa, and a caring community, Tralee Crisis Center was created.

Tralee Crisis Center’s mission is to provide shelter and coordinated supportive services to victims of family violence, sexual assault, and other violent crimes; to educate the community about the causes and implications of family violence and sexual assault, as well as the needs of and resources available to victims; to provide consultation and education services to other community providers; to recruit and train a diverse group of volunteers who will provide director victim services; and to provide adequate financial resources to ensure support of the organization’s programs.

Tralee Crisis Center is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, chartered by the state of Texas in 1984. A board of directors with 9-15 members oversees the agency. Tralee Crisis Center employs 15 staff: Executive director, fiscal manager, licensed social worker, two non-resident advocates, an advocate / receptionist, volunteer coordinator, shelter supervisor, four shelter managers and two shelter relief workers. The main office is located in downtown Pampa and the shelter, a renovated nursing home that can house up to 30 persons, is situated on three acres in a secure location. We provide face-to-face outreach services to victims throughout the eight-county service area. Tralee Crisis Center also partners with Texas Panhandle Centers to provide a two-story brick transitional house where a qualified family can stay rent-free for up to one year.

Story of a Survivor

“Tralee helped me figure out how to start over. Often I had been confronted by people who felt I should have left sooner, because I stayed so long, it was my fault.

Tralee offered support, not condemnation. To actually speak to someone who understood and didn’t judge me was so comforting.

Tralee also helped by working with the law enforcement and the judicial system. They helped me with utilities to keep me afloat until I could get my bearings.

Most important, they offered a support group for victims and their children.

I am living, breathing proof that domestic violence need not ruin your life. Thanks, Tralee.”

This Tralee Crisis Center client went on to earn a degree in nursing and start a new life for herself and her children.

Let Us Help You

We’re committed to providing the victims of domestic violence with food, clothing, shelter, financial support along with regular counseling and legal assistance.

Statistics show that victims of domestic violence receive more medical treatment than victims of accidents, muggings and sexual assault combined.

This is a grim picture and we hope to change that with your support.